A small notice from the closing weeks of the 1952 presidential contest between retired General Eisenhower (R) vs former Governor Adlai Stevenson (D) in which Senator Joseph McCarthy stepped forth to muddy the waters with one of his characteristic insults:
"Senator Joseph McCarthy (R., Wi.) accused Governor Stevenson of associating with left-wingers... McCarthy's attack, widely advertised in advance was carried on a $78,000 radio and television network. Stevenson denounced it in advance as a 'magnificent smear' and charged that General Eisenhower was responsible for it. But the GOP National Committee and Eisenhower advisers said they had nothing to do with it."
President Truman did his bit for the home team by slandering Republican vice-presidential candidate Richard Nixon at every turn - but it was all for naught; the Eisenhower/Nixon ticket won the election with the greatest number of popular votes in U.S. history (33,000,000).
An article about the impact of the the Korean War on the 1952 election can be read here.
In 1944 a Soviet defector wrote a magazine article about Russian agents in the U.S. Government - certainly McCarthy must have read it; Click here and you can read it, too.
Additional magazine and newspaper articles about the Cold War may be read on this page.
An article about the impact of the the Korean War on the 1952 election can be read here.
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