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Search Results for "The Outlook"

Weird Rumors About the Klan... (The Outlook, 1922)

Teddy Roosevelt's (1858 - 1919) magazine The Outlook, was often quite critical of the Ku Klux Klan, yet in this brief notice the editors seemed surprisingly Milquetoast in their reporting of the organization's growth and assorted activities. The article passively noted bizarre rumors that stood in contrast to the Klan's history:

"There have been some queer developments in the Ku Klux Klan. Thus in Georgia it has been alleged that Negroes have been asked to join..."


Aviation Without Law (The Outlook, 1922)

An outraged opinion writer argued that the time had arrived for government to issue flying licenses to responsible pilots, while keeping the others grounded:

"...President Harding and thousands of spectators at the dedication of the Lincoln Memorial are placed in jeopardy by an irresponsible, low flying aviator; and the lives of countless thousands of innocent spectators at the Yale Bowl and other stadiums are risked unnecessarily because the House of Representatives has so far failed to provide, as forty other nations have provided, for Government regulation of civil aviation"


Reunion at Gettysburg (The Outlook, 1913)

Johnny Reb and Billy Yank encountered each other once again - fifty years after the Union victory at Gettysburg:

"The conductor raised his baton and the strains of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' floated out upon the air. All of those gathered upon the dusky lawn - the Picketts, the Longstreets, the daughter of General A.P. Hill, the Meades, the long row of men in gray and gold - became silent, rose to their feet, and uncovered. That was Gettysburg fifty years afterward."

Click here to see the Confederate Uniform worn at the Reunions.

*Watch a Film Clip of the 75th Anniversary of the Gettysburg Battle*


The Study of the Book of Genesis (The Outlook, 1901)

This is the very succinct response from the Religion Editor at Theodore Roosevelt's magazine, The Outlook when asked for an article on the modern views of the Genesis and how the Sunday school teachers of 1901 might best address the topic. The article has been reduced to the bare bones for the sake of brevity.


A Study of the Gettysburg Address (The Outlook, 1913)

Jesse W. Weik (1857 - 1930) was one of the earliest Lincoln scholars, and in the attached three page article he delved deeply into Lincoln's life in order to understand Lincoln and the thoughts behind his famous speech at Gettysburg:

"In preparation for Herndon and Weik's Life of Lincoln (1889), he visited every place in Illinois, Indianan and Kentucky where Abraham Lincoln lived; examined the records of all the lawsuits in which Lincoln was engaged, and talked to everyone he could find who knew Lincoln. For thirty years and more he has made a special study of the sources, written and unwritten, of the personal history of President Lincoln".

Click here to print American Civil War chronologies.


The KKK in Oklahoma (The Outlook, 1922)

An article by one of the KKK's most outspoken enemies in the press, Stanley Frost (author of "Challenge of the Klan"), who reported on the political dust-up that took place in the Oklahoma state government when the Klan made serious attempts to be a dominate factor in Oklahoma politics.

"THE OUTLOOK sent Stanley Frost to Oklahoma to study the amazing political conflict which has taken place in the state. The forces at odds in the state may have a far-reaching influence upon national politics."


''A Flapper's Appeal to Parents'' (The Outlook, 1922)

"If one judges by appearances, I suppose I am a flapper. I am within the age limit, I wear bobbed hair, the badge of flapperhood. I powder my nose. I wear fringed skirts and bright colored sweaters, and scarves and waists with Peter Pan collars and low-heeled 'finale hopper' shoes. I adore to dance... But then there are many degrees of a flapper. There is the semi-flapper, the flapper, the super-flapper. Each of these three main general divisions has its degrees of variation. I might possibly be placed somewhere in the middle of the first class".


A Study of the Gettysburg Address (The Outlook, 1913)

Jesse W. Weik (1857 - 1930) was one of the earliest of Lincoln scholars.

"In preparation for "Herndon and Weik's Life of Lincoln" (1889), he visited every place in Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky where Abraham Lincoln lived; examined the records of all the lawsuits in which Lincoln was engaged, and talked to everyone he could find who knew Lincoln. For thirty years and more he has made a special study of the sources, written and unwritten, of the personal history of President Lincoln".


Kansan Governor Henry J. Allen Takes On the KKK (The Outlook, 1922)

An article from The Outlook reported on the enormous amount of discomfort that the Ku Klux Klan was generating among Catholics in 1922 Kansas. During a New York interview, Kansas Governor Henry J. Allen (1868 - 1950) remarked about the piles of letters his office received imploring that the state take action and how he, too, had been threatened by the organization.

"Kansas is engaged in trying out the Ku Klux Klan through an action in the State Supreme Court to restrain it's secret activities."


Jewish Population Increase in the U.S. (The Outlook, 1922)

Pogroms and other less violent forms of Antisemitism in Eastern Europe had resulted in a large increase of the Jewish migration to the United States by 1922. This growth in the Jewish population swelled from an estimated 1,777,185 in 1907 to an estimated 3,390,301 by 1918. The following one page article includes a map of the continental United States featuring those portions of the U.S. with the largest Jewish populations in 1922.

Click here to read an article about the Warsaw Ghetto.


A Look at at What the Prohibition Amendment Might Look Like (The Outlook, 1916)

Two years before the Prohibition Amendment would be passed, the New York State Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League, William H. Anderson (1874 - 1959), wrote this piece defending a draft of the amendment that was, at that time, sitting before Congress.


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