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Search Results for "Outing Magazine"

''How Did it Feel to be a Soldier?'' (Outing Magazine, 1917)

This collection of Civil War letters, written by one of the younger members of an Illinois regiment, was printed in a men's magazine at a time when the U.S. was gearing-up for it's first military adventure in Europe. The editors wished only to impart to their younger readers what a soldier's life is like:

"I will try to give you some of the particulars of soldier life so far as I have tried it...We don't have more than half enough to eat...Health is good, with the exception of dysentery."


How Tennis Should Be Played (Outing Magazine, 1918)

These twelve black and white photographs depicting the tennis Guru George Agutter, in full court attire, are accompanied by short, pithy instructions as to how the racquet should be held and the feet positioned in order to play the game as they did in 1918.


The Evolution of the U.S. Army Web Belt (Outing Magazine, 1918)

The attached article, "How Our Soldiers Carry Their Ammunition", was originally published in a 1918 sporting magazine and gives an account as to how one uniform element unique to the U.S. and British military establishments came into prominence during the earliest years of the Twentieth Century. Written by Paul A Curtis, Jr., the essay describes the difficulties inherit with leather belting, the British need for an alternate material in order to maintain colonial regiments in India and the father of the American web belt, General Anson Mills (1834 - 1924).

When the Doughboys complained, they complained heavily about their uniforms; read about it here.

•• A Film Clip that Explains the Problems Inherit with the W.W. I U.S. Army Back Pack ••


Wide-Eyed and Fresh Off the Boat (Outing Magazine, 1917)

Some observations of the earliest Doughboy experiences were recorded in a letter home by this anonymous A.E.F. lieutenant during the Summer of 1917. He was unusually interested in the French architecture and rustic culture that surrounded him but also noted the deeply depressed German P.O.W. laborers, his food and the different treatment between officers and men.


The Power of Positive Thought in Military Training (Outing Magazine, 1918)

The power of positive thinking is one of the necessary elements that has been ingrained within the psyche of every U.S. Army recruit for at least the past 100 years. Positive thought is the topic of this 1918 article about the wartime training of U.S. Army officer cadets at Camp Grant, Illinois, by Major Herman J. Koehler (1859 – 1927), who believed deeply that "there is no limit to human endurance".

Read what the U.S. Army psychologists had to say about courage.


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