Here is a wonderful read. Writing under the name "John Ray Carlson", the journalist Arthur Derounian (1909 - 1991) went under cover into the seedy world of American fascist organizations and discovered that they all spoke with each other. Having impressed the German Bundists, he moved quickly up the ranks of American fascism and was soon given the task of uniting every antisemitic, anti-democratic, pro-fascist clique in the country. Here is a list of some of the groups he was in contact with during his four years in the underground:
• America First
• The American Vigilant Intelligence Federation
• American Nationalist Party
• Chicago Patriot's Bureau
• New England Christian Front
• National Workers League
• Detroit Mothers
• American Mothers
• Yankee Freeman
• Mothers of the United States of America.
By the end of his four year trek he found himself in the company of Lawrence Dennis, a creepy, book-worm who was known in those low circles as "the dean of American fascism".
Click here to read more about the German-American Bund...
In 1940 OSS chief Donovan wrote an article about the German-American Bund, Click here to read it.
- two books from Amazon: