American novelist Taylor Caldwell (Born Janet Miriam Holland Taylor Caldwell: 1900 - 1985) reminisced about her dreary experiences during the Great Depression and a certain coterie of her fellow citizens who were too eager to denounce the achievements of Jefferson and Adams in favor of Marx and Engles.
"From up and down the scale by the measure of Whittaker Chambers, they have one whimpering wail: 'I became a Communist (or a "liberal") because of the Great Depression.' Who, possessing any heart in those days, could have resisted the Communist line? Who, with any imagination, could have been stirred to pity for the oppressed and the hungry and the unemployed in those days, and could have been repelled by the promises of the eloquent Communists?"
"Weak, maudlin, liars and betrayers! There were millions of us in those days who never once felt that we should betray our country in the name of the 'oppressed and the hungry and the unemployed.' Never once - hungry and desperate though we were - were we moved to treason and the destruction of America"
Click here to read further about American Communists during the Great Depression...
The review of the first English edition of Das Kapital can be read here...
In 1887 the NEW YORK TIMES reviewed the first english edition of Das Kapital by Karl Marx, click here to read it...
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