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An interesting article that reported on "the Baby Cage", the Allied prisoner of war camp that held roughly 7,000 boy soldiers of the German army, ages 12 through 17. Seeing that so many had been indoctrinated from their earliest days in Nazi dogma and then dumbfounded to a far greater degree within the Hitler Jugend system, the Allied leadership post-war government believed that this group needed to be instructed in the ways of tolerance before being let loose into the general population.

"He was a member of the Hitler Jugend and had learned at school that might is right, that democracy is man's greatest weakness, that 'Aryan' Germans are the finest expression of the human race and that to have Jewish blood in one's veins is a crime greater than either arson or murder."

Click here to read another article about the captured members of the Hitlerjugend...

Click here to read about the Nazi-indoctrination of German youth.

Click here to read more about W.W. II prisoners of war...

Read about the German POWs who were schooled in virtues of democracy.

Click here to read about Japanese youth at the close of the war.

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- from Amazon:


German Boy Soldiers in Captivity (Yank Magazine, 1945)

German Boy Soldiers in Captivity (Yank Magazine, 1945)

German Boy Soldiers in Captivity (Yank Magazine, 1945)

German Boy Soldiers in Captivity (Yank Magazine, 1945)

German Boy Soldiers in Captivity (Yank Magazine, 1945)

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