"As the U.S. courted the favor of South American and Asiatic peoples in the fight against Kremlin imperialism, the world watched our progress in guaranteeing civil rights and equality for all races and religions. For every failure to fulfill its promise of civil rights is seized upon by our critics, weakens our efforts to offset Red propaganda in much of the world."
"Radio Moscow noted the warnings of a Klansman in South Carolina, that there will be bloodshed if Negro students attend white schools. But ignored the admittance of 1,000 Negroes to colleges in 15 Southern and Border states, schools formerly for whites only."
The Russian cartoon posted above ridiculed America's liberties and clearly illustrates why the U.S. foreign service applied pressure in Washington to hasten the demise of America's world-famous Jim Crow laws. It first appeared in the Soviet Magazine OGENOK during the June/July of 1952.
Gosh. Even though Stalin killed millions of people, he must have been an OK Joe to have so much sympathy for the African-Americans and their plight - he even intended to allow them to live in their own puppet state after he invaded the U.S. - you can read about it here.
In 1923 Brazil launched a boycott of American goods in protest to America's domestic racial policies. Click here to read about that.
Read this article about the Southerner who had a racial epiphany...