Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht (1877 – 1970) was the German economist who is credited with having stabilized that nation's currency following the Wiemar Republic. Although he never became a Nazi Party member, he was highly placed in the Reich. In the attached 1937 profile, you will learn that Schacht cautioned Hitler numerous times to remove the Socialist regulations that restrained the German economy from kicking in to high gear.
"For years he belabored the Weimar Republic for borrowing abroad. Today the Reich's borrowing has reached a point where the government no longer publishes a budget. In 1931 Dr. Schacht wrote:"
"The basic disease of all socialist systems lies in the tremendous over-expansion of state machinery"
"Today, under Dr. Scacht, over-expanded state machinery so restricts private enterprise that Dr. Schacht admits it is 'hideous'".
Schacht was arrested by the Nazis in 1944 and named as one of the Operation Valkyrie conspirators. He was imprisoned until the end of the war (pictured above) when he was detained by the American Army and tried at Nuremberg. Schact was found to be innocent of all charges and released.
Schact had a remarkably high IQ - you can read about it here.
Click here to read an article that explains in great detail how the Nazi economic system (with it's wage and price controls) was Marxist in origin.
More about Operation Valkyrie can be read here...
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