Writing for his fellow-travelers at the semi-monthly journal Soviet Russia,
British socialist George Lansbury (1859 – 1940) recalled his encounter with the Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin:
"The leader of them all is this man Lenin, with his strongly marked Russian peasant face, who with the indomitable courage characteristic of his people in their age-old struggle for bread, is the man who in dark days and bright - inspires them all."
"I write this of him, not because we are agreed on all things - on some fundamental things we do not agree - but because I think I know a good man when I see one, and can appreciate deeds as well as words."
Click here to read more about George Lansbury...
Pictured above is 110 West 40th Street in the City of New York.
It was from the editorial offices somewhere in t h i s building
that the Soviet Bureau published their m o n t h l y journal,
Soviet Russia.
More about Lenin can be read here...
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