One of the very few escapees from the Treblinka death camp wrote the attached account describing the horrendous moral outrages that he had seen there:
"Experiments were started with the cremation of corpses. It turned out that women burned easier than men. Accordingly, corpses of women were used for kindling the fires... the sight was terrifying, the worst that human eyes have ever beheld." From time to time, it was the practice of the German military to separate American Jewish soldiers from their fellows and transfer them to concentration camps. The corpse of one of these men was found at the Nazi concentration camp in Ohrdruf, Germany.
Click here to read about the malnourishment and starvation of Allied prisoners of war...
As if Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, Nordhausen and Bergen-Belsen weren't bad enough - in late April, 1945, advancing Soviet infantry reported that:
"The Red Army had found a concentration camp for children at Konstantinov, beyond Lodz in central Poland...There were 862 children in the camp, all Russian, White Russian and Ukrainian."
Here are the observations of Patrick Gordon Walker (1907 - 1980), a broadcast journalist with the BBC who was present with the British Army when they liberated the Bergen-Belsen Death Camp on April 15, 1945.
"Men were hung for hours at a time, suspended by their arms, hands tied behind their back in Belsen. Beatings in workshops were continuous, and there were many deaths there. Just before I left the camp, a crematorium was discovered." "American troops in Germany last week hit the Nazi death camp belt, an area that revealed such horrors - the bodies of thousands of Allied prisoners shot, starved, beaten and burned to death - that even the cynics of the civilized world now could not fail to be convinced of the truth of German atrocities." "The doomed Jews of Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor did not all die like sheep. Many perished like lions in little-known uprisings against the Nazis - and some even blew up the grisly ovens and gas chambers."
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