During the course of the Great War, few German terms delighted English speaking cartoonists more than the word "kultur" -which is the Teutonic word for "civilization" or "cultural progress". Prior to being picked up by the New York Times, this cartoon originally appeared in a London magazine called, "The Sketch", and was drawn by W. Heath Robinson (dates?).
A cartoon that appeared in an American veterans magazine on the first anniversary marking the last day of W.W. I. What is especially amusing is the satirical depiction of American combat officers and the last frame, which fully supports the thesis of Joseph E. Persico's book, "11th Month, 11th Day, 11th Hour" that the American Army was on the attack all the way up to the bitter end. The famed Conde Nast illustrator from days of old, Ann Fish, assumed the nom de guerre, "Hello" in order to impart to her well-fed audience the terror of German Prussianism. In this cartoon, she illustrated what a German invasion of Manhattan would look like. This cartoon pokes fun at the high cost of being charitable. Throughout much of World War One there was always the problem of what to do with the growing number of refugees and orphans -and the answer was never cheap. This drawing reveals a different Rea Irvin, but the drawing style for which he would be remembered is clearly emerging. Attached is a 1918 cartoon by THE STARS & STRIPES illustrator, C. LeRoy Baldridge depicting Paris in a way that only the A.E.F. could have witnessed it.
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